If a company or individual wants to register a trademark for brand promotion, it can use the R trademark after the trademark registration certificate is issued. R trademark is a registered trademark approved by the Trademark Office and protected by the Trademark Law within the validity period of the trademark right. Others cannot use the same name or similar trademark in the same industry or similar industries, and the trademark holder enjoys the exclusive right.
Legal basis: Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC).
Article 30 Where a trademark applied for registration does not conform to the relevant provisions of this Law or is identical with or similar to a trademark that has been registered or preliminarily approved by others on the same kind of goods or similar goods, the Trademark Office shall reject the application without making an announcement.
Article 31 Where two or more applicants for trademark registration apply for registration with the same or similar trademarks on the same commodity or similar commodities, they shall make a preliminary examination of the trademark applied earlier and make an announcement; Where an application is filed on the same day, the prior trademark shall be preliminarily examined and announced, and the application of others shall be rejected without announcement.