When a company registers a trademark, it must first determine which category its goods and services belong to. If they belong to different categories, they must apply for trademarks in several categories. Under each category of goods or services, 10 specific goods or services may be selected (more than ten are allowed for an additional fee).
When choosing a broad category to register, you can consider relevance for extended protection registration, or you can consider defensive registration to avoid negative impacts or competitor registrations.
Legal basis:
Article 3 of the "Trademark Law", trademarks approved and registered by the Trademark Office are registered trademarks, including commodity trademarks, service trademarks, collective trademarks, and certification marks; trademarks The registrant enjoys the exclusive right to trademark and is protected by law. The term "collective trademark" as mentioned in this Law refers to a mark registered in the name of a group, association or other organization for use by members of the organization in commercial activities to indicate the user's membership in the organization.
The term "certification trademark" as used in this Law means that it is controlled by an organization with the ability to supervise certain goods or services and is used by units or individuals other than the organization to certify the goods or services. The origin, raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality or other signs of specific quality of the goods or services. Special matters concerning the registration and management of collective trademarks and certification marks shall be stipulated by the industrial and commercial administration department of the State Council.