There are too many to list...
abl Atlas Computer Basic Language
Father abba
sab US Advisory Committee
as as
bea Bank of East Asia Limited
ball dance
lab laboratory
sea sea
bell bell
all all
Beal [bel] n. (ancient Celtic) sun god
p>BeAlln. Beao (brand name)
sla. Spacecraft-lunar module adapter
slab [sl?b] n. Thick sheet; thick plate, flat plate ; Concrete pavement vt. Divide... into thick slices; pave with stone slabs
label ['leibl] vt. Mark; label n. label; trademark; label
Lae [' f?kj?li:; 's?:pjuli:] n. Lae (a city in eastern Papua New Guinea)
LAES Latin American Economic System
las League of Arab States
p>LLB [Law] Bachelor of Laws
blas [bla:s] n. Micro grid dry cell