Xiaomi’s own browser is Xiaomi Browser, which belongs to Xiaomi Company and can be viewed in the browser.
There are currently a wide variety of web browsers.
Some web browsers use plain text interfaces and they only support HTML; some web browsers have rich and colorful user interfaces and support multiple file formats and protocols.
Web browsers that support e-mail, newsgroups, and IRC through components are sometimes called "network packages" rather than just "web browsers".
All major web browsers can open multiple information resources through multiple windows or multiple tabs at the same time, and can also block pop-up advertisements to prevent unnecessary windows from opening without the user's consent. case pops up.
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Extended information
From a technical perspective, the current mobile browser The market is in a position to optimize user experience and guide users In the demand stage, in the long run, meeting personalized user needs will eventually become the only standard guiding the development of application software.
The development of 3G/4G networks will greatly improve the speed of data transmission, which is a condition for the rapid development of the mobile Internet and a prerequisite for the realization of "cloud computing".
The realization of "cloud computing" will relieve the constraints of mobile terminals on users. Mobile applications, especially personalized applications, will experience explosive growth, and mobile browsers will become the server that communicates between users and the "cloud" As an important channel, the strategic position of mobile browsers will be irreplaceable.