The rapid development of society has led to the fact that single brand communication can no longer satisfy today's global brand expansion. The brand's integrated communication strategy is to establish consumers and products under the brand, which has done a lot to occupy the market. foreshadowing. Today, Prophet Brand will talk to you about the rules of brand integrated communication strategy.
1. Clarify the role of brand in the enterprise
Brand is usually defined as a relationship that ensures future revenue by creating customer loyalty. Thus, the starting point for integrated brand communications includes analyzing the role that the brand plays and can play to ensure greater loyalty. To assess the value of a brand, a review of corporate strategy, as well as factors such as customers, employees and key shareholders, need to be taken into account.
2. Understand the components of brand value
For a long time, executive management has been looking for a tool that can quantify the return on investment in marketing communications, and the conclusion is that it can only be Inform that such data cannot be obtained independently. Under the paradigm of integrated brand communication, this situation will be changed. Integrated brand communication plans provide managers with a set of tools to judge the performance of brand asset investments that are related to the company's other invested assets. Some companies judge the performance of investments through brand value assessment, which results in a measurement method that targets a baseline brand value. However, assessing value in integrated brand communications does not require calculating raw numbers. Because brand value assessment can identify the influencing factors of brand value, it can help show or measure the impact of communication activities on brand value, or make predictions. By measuring the relative change in brand value from one measurement period to another, we can objectively quantify the return on investment in building and promoting the brand, thereby assessing the overall effectiveness of the integrated communications program.
3. Clarify who is the group of people that the brand message is expected to reach
After the role of the brand is clear, the next crucial step is to find out the key target audience. To prioritize this effort, it's important to discern which audiences drive your business's success and which ones only play a role in its success.
4. Form a "big idea"
Big idea refers to a unique value proposition. Communicating the same message over and over again is a waste of available resources, while communicating meaningful uniqueness is a catalyst for growth. Big ideas arise from a clear understanding of audience needs, market dynamics, and the organization's business plan. Big ideas match the strategies companies use to cater to their key audiences. Great ideas need to meet four basic criteria: they meet the needs of the audience, their appeal is different from competitors, they are honest and credible, and they have the inherent tension to develop with the development of the company's business.
5. Clarify how to get big ideas by changing perceptions
Once customers form a loyal relationship with the brand, the audience will gradually be included in the process. In the process, newly formed perceptions may hinder the ability to respond to the brand's unique promise. This "perceptual barrier" needs to be broken through to communicate "big ideas". Among these obstacles, some appear particularly difficult to overcome. If the disorder is cognitively related, it could be addressed by increasing the exposure of the information. However, if the problem is trust, you need to change the target audience's attitude towards the brand's value.
6. Changing consumer perception through information dissemination
Changing consumers’ perception of a brand is not an easy task. It requires a communication effort. This kind of The effort requires the ability to penetrate the "defense walls" consumers have formed from the overload of information they are exposed to every day. To gain their attention, communicators must prepare messages carefully to cut through the confusion and prompt them to change their mental assumptions. A driving message with a big idea can achieve good communication results with a modest media budget. Before placing media, be sure to confirm the accuracy of the information, which will help optimize return on investment. Step 7: Understand the role of individual media in changing cognitive attitudes and sustaining momentum Once you have your big idea, you need to use the appropriate communication media. Typically, each stage of involvement requires the use of personalized media adapted to the needs of the audience.
Advertising and public relations are powerful tools for building brand awareness, and they also play a subtle role in forming brand relevance.
Frequent exposure to media, whether indirect, direct or interactive, is also helpful in developing a perception of brand relevance and the gradual formation of unique value. Once a purchasing decision is made, direct interaction is the most effective means of forming satisfaction and loyalty. But doing so is also challenging, as it requires balancing the power of various media to create an integrated media solution that can most effectively disseminate information.
7. Determine the best media mix
The most fundamental challenge in implementation is to determine the best media mix to encourage the target audience to form strong brand loyalty. The trick is to optimize the power of your message within a limited media budget. This will help generate a driving return on investment and ensure future earnings. Creative media planning, with the rational use of the media budget, will be a very important skill in influencing success, especially in the first year. Then, as a demonstration result, this will become a budget reference for brand investment in the next second year and beyond.
8.: Integrated communication effect measurement
Investment needs to be made with a clear understanding of the facts. In comparison with other investments, to make people believe that the investment in integrated brand communication is an investment rather than an expense, it is necessary to demonstrate a corresponding satisfactory return on investment. Understanding the communication effectiveness of information and media through quantitative methods will help optimize communication effectiveness in the coming years.
9.: Start from the fifth step and repeat the entire process
Integrated brand communication is an organic process. Through active and in-depth development, it can grow and become more powerful. After you measure your first results, go back to the beginning of your integrated brand communications campaign and consider opportunities for further improvement. Return to the consideration of messages and explore opportunities to make them more driving; return to media planning and consider whether the target audience is reached; return to media budgets and consider whether these budgets are allocated appropriately; finally, return to Return to the assessment tools and determine whether they can provide insights into promoting and managing the program.