The first thing to identify ADIDAS is not to be cheap. Real Adidas are all priced uniformly across the country. Even if there is a price difference, it will never be big. If you buy it, it is half or even more cheaper than in a specialty store. , needless to say, 99% of the time you may have been fooled!
In the real adidas, the second letter d is connected to the shortest bar, and the third letter i and fourth letter d are connected to the middle bar. The embroidery on Adidas is very clear. If there are threads and they are connected together, then you have bought a fake. The three slashes and two d's on the trademark are connected: the upper corners of the d's are connected. The genuine embroidery is more delicate, there are no threads, and the spacing is proportional. The main thing to look at is the gloss. Real ones have very good reflectivity, while fake ones generally have poor reflectivity. You also need to look at the stitching. If there are double stitches, it’s fake.
There are also three lines on the clothes that also have trademark significance: these three lines are finely made and well-proportioned in size. Moreover, the distance between the three lines is the same as the size of the lines themselves. The number of stitches in an inch of stitching is about 10 stitches. This is the basis for foreign merchants to inspect goods. Counterfeit manufacturers will never make it according to this strict specification! Another thing, you have to look at the listing. Adidas has very strict color and paper requirements for listings. A piece of clothing usually requires 2-4 hanging tags strung together, depending on the style. There must be at least two. One is the main hang tag, which is usually black. It is rare to see a blue main hang tag in China. Unless he is an old model from a few years ago! There is also a certificate of conformity. It has the model number and other details on it. If it is a special fabric, he will also have a separate hangtag to explain. They all use strict uniform color numbers and fonts for printing, and the paper is also very good and scratch-resistant! There will be no wrinkles, it is soft and not scratchy! Otherwise, how could the brand of adidas be so different from ordinary adidas. When merchants ask you to pay a different price than ordinary ones, they will give you Adidas that is different from ordinary ones. This is the charm of the brand. Genuine fabrics are always very soft and tough, and the texture is very delicate. In fact, the feeling is hard to describe. You will know it when you have a chance to feel it. You can also use the method of testing fabrics to test its perspiration effect.