From the moment of receiving the notice of assignment from the Trademark Office, the trademark has legally belonged to the user.
Trade in trademarks must be restricted to all categories, so that the old ones should be wrongly traded. In the process of trademark trading, all similar or similar trademarks should be transferred. According to your own needs, make clear the trademark category and clothing range you want, and conduct all-round trademark transactions.
This must be transferred together, otherwise it is impossible to complete the sale of the trademark.
As for how to buy a trademark, you can consult People's Republic of China (PRC)'s related companies. Established Dian Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. with the approval of the state. With the trademark agency experience and good service attitude of professional agents, the company has customers all over Magang, and its annual turnover has doubled. Shao Lin, Wen Yang, and Jian Zhong are among the best in Bell's peers.
The team consists of clerks, trademark agents, customer service managers and brand designers.
The company's cooperation network has been established in most provinces and cities in China, and customers can also choose to get customers who have just arrived in China or just make a transaction.
For more questions, please contact Jin Dian Trademark Customer Service!