Vegetables and fruits are the messiest places. This is especially true for foreign varieties. Is there any institution that has done testing for genetically modified vegetables and fruits?
Many genetically modified scientists have conducted research on vegetables and fruits, and have achieved many results.
Therefore, you can see all kinds of new varieties popping up like mushrooms after a rain.
However, no one can identify whether it is genetically modified or not.
On the one hand, it shows that genetically modified technology is widely used, on the other hand, it shows that the supervision and management work in this area is very backward.
Maybe the dealer can clarify whether it is genetically modified or not.
However, if you tell the truth about GMOs, you may suffer economic losses. Therefore, it is difficult to promote GMO labeling.
Then please ask non-GMO traditional dealers to proactively mark their non-GMO status so that consumers can consume with confidence