1. When publishing products on Taobao, if there is no brand published by yourself, you can choose more, and then fill in the brand name yourself, or you can directly click below to apply for more brands.
/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/c8177f3e6709c93da69de099923df8dcd1005475"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/c8177f3e6709c93da69de09 9923df8dcd1005475?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/c8177f3e6709c93da69de099923df8dcd1005475"/>
2. Fill in the actual situation, if in For sale If the baby does not have a brand authorization letter, then do not write this brand, as it is easy to be complained and punished. If there is no brand, it is recommended to think of one yourself. You can enter the brand yourself in the brand column. There are many benefits to registering a brand, especially now that everyone has a high awareness of brand quality. For the future development of the store, it is recommended to register your own brand.
Extended information
Warm reminder:
1. When applying for brand addition, you can only apply for product categories within the scope of trademark registration above, and cannot apply Brands regardless of category.
2. Currently, applications for Pinyin, Traditional Chinese, and icon trademarks are not supported. Brand application review time: Basically it takes effect in 1 day, and it can be displayed on the product release page the next day for you to choose to release products. However, if there are holidays or system optimizations (usually during major sales), the release page will stop updating. You need to wait 2-5 working days before the verified brands will be displayed on the release page.
/helpcenter.taobao.com/learn/knowledge?spm=a21pp.8204670.0.0.d3635b71N7lUVX&id=6704328&xttkn=e02c2cd45a4b4"target="_blank"title="Taobao Help Center Official Website-How to apply for brand addition? (Old version application page)">Taobao Help Center official website-How to apply for brand addition? (Old version application page)