If you want to know the relevant information about the trademark "Dai 8 Liquor", the general trademark search process is as follows:
1. Enter the category of the searched trademark in the "International Classification Number", which is based on your registration It depends on the specific product
2. Entering a similar group number in "Similar Group Number" can more accurately search for similar trademarks registered previously, so it is required to fill it in accurately to avoid errors in the search results
3. "Query method" has six query methods to choose from: Chinese characters, pinyin, English, numbers, prefixes, and graphics. Select according to your registered name
4. "Query type" selects the corresponding query type based on the query method to perform analysis
5. "Query content" input requirements The trademark name to be searched
There is a fee for searching trademarks in the China Trademark Office. Ordinary searches for Chinese (numbers) are 60 yuan/piece, and English (prefixes) are 100 yuan/piece. The expedited inquiry costs 120 components in Chinese (numbers) and 200 yuan/item in English (prefixes). Therefore, it is recommended that you go to our website to check the trademark. Not only is it free, but professional personnel can tell you whether your trademark is similar to other people's trademarks.