Release fish: fish eyes; Mix: mix up, pretend to be. Pass fish eyes off as pearls. Metaphor is to confuse the fake with the real, and shoddy.
Chu Han Wei Boyang's "Participation Contract" is the first volume: "Is the fish a pearl? Artemisia scoparia can't be cured. "
use the subject-predicate form; As predicate, attribute and adverbial; The derogatory
example "Flower and Moon Mark": "He said that you are ~, you should punish him for a drink."
synonyms are false and true, imposters, and people fill in the blanks
antonyms are black and white, distinct and clear-cut, and right and wrong
English: pass off fish eyes for pearls
Japanese: counterfeit (にせもの) を としてせかける
French: Articles Falsifié s mé langé s aux Articles Vé ritables
German: Wieein Fischaugueunter Perlen