1. Words, which are the basic elements of a trademark, are some words plus graphics, and some are single Chinese characters;
2, graphics, graphics are very expressive and can clearly show the difference. Graphics can be shapes depicting people and things, fictional graphics or abstract graphics;
3, three-dimensional logo, three-dimensional;
4. Color combinations. At present, only color combinations can apply for trademarks. For a single color, it has not been used as a trademark registration requirement in China.
5. Sound, which can be a piece of music or the sound of nature.
II. Analysis details
Symmetry of registered trademarks and "unregistered trademarks". Refers to the trademark registered by the trademark management agency according to law. The registration of a trademark requires legal conditions and procedures. In countries with a trademark registration system, once a trademark is registered, it gains the exclusive right to use the registered trademark and the prohibition right to exclude others from using the same or similar trademark on the same or similar goods. The current trademark system in China is a trademark registration and use system. The right holder of a registered trademark enjoys the exclusive right to use its trademark according to law, and excludes others from using the same or similar goods on the same or similar goods designated by its registered trademark.
III. Functions of Trademarks
A trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to use a trademark and also has the right to license others to use the trademark for remuneration. The duration of trademark protection varies from country to country, but after the expiration, the trademark can be renewed for an unlimited number of times as long as an additional fee is paid. Trademark protection is implemented by courts or administrative organs. In most systems, courts and administrative organs that manage trademarks have the right to stop trademark infringement. Generally speaking, the court's decision is final. Broadly speaking, a trademark is a reward for the trademark registrant. To make its goods or services recognized and economic benefits, trademarks also encourage creativity and positive attitude. Trademark protection can also prevent unfair competitors such as counterfeiters from using the same or similar marks to promote inferior or different products or services. Trademark system can enable skilled and enterprising people to produce and sell goods and services under as fair a condition as possible, thus promoting the development of international trade.