Under normal circumstances, after a trademark is transferred, it will be filed with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. If you check the trademark information on the trademark website or social trademark manager, the holder of the trademark should become the holder after the transfer. If the transaction has just been carried out and no registration has been carried out, the Trademark Network or Social Wen Trademark Manager platform may not be able to query it, and there will be a certain delay in the information.
Legal basis:
Article 42 of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" transfers a registered trademark, the transferor and the transferee shall sign a transfer agreement and ***Apply to the Trademark Office at the same time. The transferee shall ensure the quality of the goods using the registered trademark. When transferring a registered trademark, the trademark registrant shall transfer all similar trademarks registered on the same goods, or identical or similar trademarks registered on similar goods. For transfers that are likely to cause confusion or have other adverse effects, the Trademark Office will not approve the transfer and will notify the applicant in writing and explain the reasons. After the transfer of a registered trademark is approved, it will be announced. The assignee shall enjoy the exclusive right to use the trademark from the date of announcement.