The circle R is the mark of "registered trademark", which means that the trademark has been applied for registration at the National Trademark Office and has been reviewed and approved by the Trademark Office to become a registered trademark. R is the first letter of English register.
There are regulations on the marking of registered trademarks. Article 26 of the "Implementing Rules of the Trademark Law" (hereinafter referred to as the "Four Implementation Rules") revised in 1999: "The use of registered trademarks shall be marked with "registered trademark". "Trademark" or a registered mark (note) or ?. If it is inconvenient to mark it on the goods, it should be marked on the product packaging or instructions and other attachments." Article 37 of the "Implementation Rules" revised in 2002: "Use A registered trademark can be marked with "registered trademark" or a registered mark on the product, product packaging, instructions or other attachments. The registered mark includes the notation and ?. The registered mark should be marked on the upper right corner or the lower right corner of the trademark. "According to the amendment. According to the "Implementation Rules" of the "Registered Trademark", there are only three ways to mark a registered trademark, which is to add: A. four Chinese characters for "registered trademark", B. the word "note", and a circle outside the word note, C , "R", add a circle outside R. Any other labeling methods are inconsistent with legal requirements.