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Documents in international trade

Commonly used English vocabulary abbreviations for document work

@ at every; to (price)

amp; and and, with

AA Automatic Approval Automatic license

a.a after arrival After arrival

A.A.R.; aar Against all risks Cover all risks

abt. about

A/C. Account Current current account

A/C. Account account, account

Acc. Acceptance acceptance; Accepted acceptance; account account; Accident accident (insurance term)

acpt. acceptance

ACN. Air Consignment Note

A/D. after date

A.D. anno domini (L.) AD (later)

ad; advt. advertisement

Adval. Advalorem (according to value) ad valorem calculation

add. Address address

adv. advice

A.F. Advanced freights

A.F.B. air freight bill

Ag. Agreement Agree; Agent person

A.l first-class first-class

amt. amount amount; total amount; *** total

anon. anonymous

a/c; acc/o account of... someone's account

a/or and/or and/or

A/P Authority to Purchase

a.p, abitional premium surcharge

A/P; a.p. Additional Premium additional premium; additional insurance premium

A.P.L.; a.p.l. As per list according to the table Listed



Apr. April

A.R. All Risks insurance

arr. arrival; arrived arrived

a.s after sight after seeing the ticket

a/s. alongside shipside

ass mt . assortment various categories; various colors

asst. assorted classification; fancy matching

atten. attention attention

Aug August August

A/v;A.V. Advalorem=According to Value ad valorem;according to value

Av. average average

av.;A/V;avg. average


A/W actual weight Actual weight; net weight

A.W.B air way bill air waybill

Bal. balance balance

bar.or brl. barrel barrel, lute barrel

B.B.clause Both to blame collision clause Ship collision clause

B/C Bills for Collrction Collection documents

B.C. before Christ BC

b.d brought down

B.D. Bank draft Bill Discounted

b.d.i. both dates inclusive

bdle.;bdl. bundle;bundle

b.e.;B/E;B.EX. Bill of Exchange

B.f. Brought forward Continued on the next page

B/G Bonded goods

bg.; B/s bag(s) bags

bkg. banking banking

bkt. basket basket; Kuang

bl.; bls. bale(s) package

Blading Bill of Lading

bldg. bales package; barrels barrel

bot.;bott.;btl bottle bottle

br. brand trademark; brand

Brkge. breakage broken

brls. barrels barrel ; Pipa bucket

b/s bags; bales bags; bags

Bs/L Bills of Lading (plural)

btl. bottle bottle

bu. bushel bushel

bx. box box

bxs. boxes box (plural), box (plural)

c/-(or c/s) cases case

ca.; c/s; cs. case or cases case

C.A.D.; C/D cash against documents

canc. cancelled Cancel; cancel

C.A.F. Cost, Assurance, Freight (=C.I.F.) cost plus premium, freight price

canclg. cancelling cancel; cancel

cat. catalog Product catalog

C/B clean bill Clean bill

C.B.D cash before delivery Deliver the document after insurance payment

c.c. cubic centimetre cubic centimeter; cubic centimeter

c.c. carbon copy carbon copy; copy

C.C. Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce

C.C.I.B. China Commodity Inspection Bureau China Commodity Inspection Bureau


C/d carried down

cent. centum(L.) one hundred

Cert.; certif. certificate; certified certificate; proof

c.f. Cubic feet

C/f Carried Forward

cf. confer

C.amp; F. Cost and Freight cost and freight price

CFS; C.F.S. Container Freight Station container transfer station; freight station

Cg. Centigramme public millimeter

C.G.A. Cargo's proportion of General Average ***average share

cgo. cargo cargo

chges. charges

Chq Cheque

C.I. Certificate of Insurance insurance certificate; Consular Invoice consular invoice; consular visa

C.I.F Cost, Insurance, Freight cost, insurance premium plus freight price

C.I.F.amp; C. Cost, Insurance, Freight & Commission Cost, insurance plus freight, commission price

C.I.F.amp; E. Cost, Insurance, Freight & Exchange Price of cost, insurance, freight and commission


C.I.F. & I. Cost, Insurance, Freight & Interest Price of cost, insurance, freight plus interest

C.I.O. Cash in Order; Cash with order Payment when ordering

cks. casks barrel

cl. class; clause level; clause; item

CLP Container Load Plan container packing list

cm. centimetre square centimeter ; square centimeter

cm?; square centimetre square centimeter; square centimeter

cm?; cubicc centimetre cubic centimeter; cubic centimeter

CMB International Carriage of Goods by Road Treaty

CMI Comit'e Maritime International International Maritime Commission

c/n cover note temporary insurance policy; advance insurance policy

CNC new container transportation

Co. Company Company

c/o care of

C/O;c.o. Certificate of origin Certificate of origin

c.o.d., C.O.D. Cash on delivery or Collection delivery Cash on Delivery

COFC Container on Flat Car Flat Car Shipping Container

Com. Commission Commission

Con.inv. Co

nsular invoice consular visa invoice

cont.; contr. contract contract; contract

contd. continued continued; continued (previous page)

contg. containing content

corp.; corpn.; cor. corporation company

C/P; charter party charter party

C.Q.D. Customary Quick Despatch at customary speed Loading and unloading

Cr. Credit lender; letter of credit; Creditor creditor

Crt. crate crate

Ct. Cent cent; Currentt current; current Credit lender; Letter of Credit

C.T.D. Combined transport document

CTB/L Combined transport bill of lading

C.T.O. Combined transport operator; cubic centimetre cubic centimeter; cubic centimeter; cubic inch cubic inch

cu.m .; cb.m. cubic meter cubic meter; cubic meter

cu.ft.; cb.ft. cubic foot cubic foot

cur.; curt. current(this month ) this month

cur. currency currency system

cu.yd.;cb.yd. cubic yard cubic yard

C.W.O. cash with order payment upon order


c.w.t.; cwt. hundredweight (122 pounds)

CY Container Yard container yard

d. denarii (L), panny or pence penny

D/A Document against Acceptance

d/a days after acceptance (payment)

D.D.; D/D Demand draft at sight Delivered at docks D/d documentary draft Documentary draft

Dec. December December

deld. delivered

dept. department department; department; department

destn. destination destination port; destination

D/f dead freight empty space fee

drt. draft bill of exchange

diam. diameter diameter

diff. difference difference

dis.; disc't discount discount; discount; discount interest

dis.;Dolls. dollars

Dmge. Damage damage <


destn. destination destination port; destination

D/N debit note long-term payment bill

doc. document document

doc. att. document attached attached documents; attached certificates

dols.; dolls. dollars yuan

D/P document against payment payment document

doz. dozen

d.p. direct port direct port

d/s; d.s.; days after sight payment several days after seeing the ticket

ds.; d's days day

dto.; do ditto Same as above; Same as before

d.t. delivery time delivery time

dup.; dupl.; duplte. duplicate transcript; Two copies; two copies

D.W.T. dead weight tonnage

D/Y delivery delivery; delivery

dz.; doz. dozen

ea. each

E.C. Exempli causa(for example) For example

E/D Export Declaration export declaration

E.E. errors excepted Check; correct errors

E.E.C. European Economic Community European Economic Community

e.g.; ex.g. Exempli gratia(L.)=for example

end.endorsed;endorsement endorsement

encl.;enc. ecnlosure attachment

E.amp;O.E. errors and omissions excepted Errors and omissions should be checked; errors and omissions should be corrected

E.O.M. end of month end of month

E.O.S. end of season end of season

eq. equivalent equivalent, equal quantity

e.q.m. equal quantity monthly equal to every month The quantity

Et.seq. Et sequentia(and other things) and those mentioned below Et.alibi(and elsewhere) etc.

e.t.a.;eta;ETA estimated(expected)time of arrival ETA estimated time of arrival

etc. et cetera(L.)=and others, etc.

ETCL;etcl expected time of commencement of loading Estimated loading time

etd; ETD estimated(expected)time of departure ETDEL expected time of delivery Estimated delivery time

ETFD expected tim

e of finishing discharging Estimated time of unloading

ETFL expected time of finishing loading Estimated time of loading

ex per or out of ride

excluding; example example; sample

Exch. exchange, exchange; exchange

Excl. exclusive or excluding except ex interest no interest

exp. export export

Exs. expenses

Ext. extra special; additional

F degree Fahrenheit Fahrenheit

F.A. free alongside (ship) (ship) side delivery

f/a/a; F.A.A. free from all average (insurance term)

f.a.c. fast as can as soon as possible

F.A.Q.; E.A.Q. fair average quality Main road goods; medium quality

F.A.S.; F.A.S. free alongside ship Free alongside ship price

F.B. freight bill Freight bill

fc franc franc

Fch. frachise deductible rate (generally refers to relative)

FCL Full Container Load FCL

F.C. amp;.S. free of capture and seizure clause war insurance exclusion clause

f.e. for example

Feb. February February

f.f.a. free from alongside Free on board price

f.g.a.; F.G.A. free from general average ***No compensation for average loss

f.i. for instance; free in The ship does not bear the shipping fee

f.ig. figure

f.i.o. free in and out The ship does not bear the loading and unloading charges

fi.o.s. free in, out and stowed The ship does not bear the loading and unloading charges and stowage charges

f.i.o.s.t. free in.lut, stowed and trimmed The ship does not bear the loading, unloading, stowed and trimming charges

f.i.w. free in wagon The carrier does not bear the stowage charges Loading fee

F/O in favor of Delivered to..., in favor of...

f.o. free out The ship is not responsible for unloading fee

F.O.A. free on aircraft F.O.R. free on rail F.O.S. free on steamer

FOS.; f.o.s. free on steamer


f.o.b.; F.O.B. free on board free on board price

F.O.B.S. free on board stowed free on board price including cargo charges

f.o.c. free of charges free

f.ot.; fot free on truck delivery price

F/P fire policy fire insurance policy

E.P. floating policy Comprehensive insurance policy

F.P.A. free from particular average Ping An Insurance

F.; Fr. franc franc

frt.; frit.; fgt. freight freight


frt.ppd freight prepaid

ft. foot feet

ft.-lb. foot-pound foot-pound (unit of work)

f.w.d. fresh water damage fresh water loss

fwd. forward; continued on the next page

F.X. foreign excharge foreign exchange

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