palatalization in Slavic languages is more typical, and almost all consonants have palatalization and non-palatalization. In Russian, it is customary to call palatalized consonants (and several hard palatal consonants) soft consonants and others hard consonants.
where, /t? /, /? The tuning parts of/and /j/ contain hard palates, and they are always in a palatalized state. It is considered that they have always been soft consonants without corresponding hard consonants.
tongue fricative/? /and/? /Because of the nature of tongue rolling, it is impossible to complete palatalization, and they are always hard consonants without corresponding soft consonants. In addition, the affricate /ts/ is always a hard consonant, and there is no corresponding soft consonant.
Except for the above five consonants, all the other consonants have paired palatal-non-palatal pronunciations, in other words, all the other consonants have soft-hard pronunciations. Hard consonants are spelled with vowels я, ё, ю, е, и /ja, jo, ju, je, i/, or converted into soft consonants before the soft sound symbol ь. For example, I'm нёс/n? Os/ (he used to wear it) and нос/nos/ (nose).
in Russian, the palatalization of stops is accompanied by some fricative. For example /p/, копь/kop? /(Pit) has an obvious sense of fricative hearing compared with коп/kop/ (sliver). /b/ Similarly.
for /t/ /d/, the fricative is more obvious, so that there is a sense of fricative (which leads many people to simply think that /t? /, /d? /pronounced as "seven" or "chicken" in Mandarin, but this is not accurate). Specifically, /t/ /d/ in Russian is characterized by dentification compared with /t/ /d/ in English, which can be recorded as [t? ] [d? ]。 However, after palatalization, /t? / /d? The/has the characteristics of tongue-leafing, and the tuning part moves back slightly. Wikipedia [2] recorded it as [t? (s? )] [d? (z? )] (superscript in brackets, which is not supported by Zhihu), indicating that it is similar in nature to affricate, but the affricate part is weaker and shorter (secondary tuning). /t? /It may be [ts? ~t? ], but it cannot be directly realized as [t? ], because there is /t? /and /t? The opposite of/:мать/mat? /(mother) and матч/mat? /(competition) /d? /In the same way.
fricative /s? /Compared with /s/, there are more low-frequency components, and the sense of hearing is not as sharp as /s/, but it can still be compared with/? /distinguish. Comparison: вес, весь, вещ11/v? es, v? es? , v? e? /(weight, total, articles).
trill /r/ is retrogingival trill [r? ], soft sound /r? /is characterized by toothing [r? ]。 In actual language, because of palatalization, the trembling position is slightly lower, which is often realized as a flashing sound in the same position rather than a vibrato.
The soft tone symbol ь indicates that the preceding consonant should be palatalized, and it is silent.