In almost all trademark registration procedures, one of the pre-start measures is a trademark search to check whether there are similar trademarks in the market and what their status is. Although the law does not clearly stipulate that this is a necessary item, it has been agreed upon before registration. So what effective information can companies obtain when conducting trademark searches?
Before this, you can first understand the method of trademark query. The query results are displayed in different ways. One is the trademark query result list, that is, you can view the trademark information that matches the requirements in the list. The other is the details of a specific trademark, and the inquirer can view the specific details of the trademark.
After the company inquires about the registered trademark, it will obtain a lot of information, including the trademark name, pattern, registration number, registrant, trademark category, etc. You can refer to the content on the trademark registration certificate, almost all of which exist and can be searched. within the range. In addition, the trademark search results also include trademark status, application date, preliminary review announcement date, etc., which can all be obtained through inquiries by personnel with relevant experience.
Most of the results obtained from trademark queries are used by enterprises in intellectual property data analysis, trademark monitoring, brand qualification certification, etc. To give a few examples, you need to search for similar trademarks before applying; after successful trademark registration, you need to monitor the trademark to promptly stop others from infringing; when entering online platforms such as Tmall and, you need to provide brand qualification certificates, etc.
Therefore, it is imperative for companies to search for trademarks. Every time they register, they should conduct the same or similar search for registered trademarks to ensure that the company's trademark registration can proceed smoothly. Although this is not a 100% guarantee. After all, there is a blind period in trademark searches, so the chance of passing is not 100% effective. However, the chance of successful registration will still increase after the search. It is recommended that you search several times to get the result. More accurate answer.