If the trademark has expired and has not been renewed, you cannot continue to use the trademark.
There are many large enterprises in our country. These enterprises have a very wide range of operations and have many subsidiaries. Regardless of whether they are famous or not, they all have their own representative characteristics, that is, trademarks. Moreover, companies in our country often file lawsuits over trademark issues. It is precisely for this reason that our country has formulated strict legal regulations and has clear restrictions on trademarks. If you want to keep using your trademark, you must operate in accordance with the relevant regulations, so as to continue The period of use of your own trademark.
1. Of course it cannot be used if it expires.
We all understand that registering a trademark, from design to submission for registration, is very time-consuming and energy-consuming. Therefore, before registering a trademark, you must search in advance to know whether your trademark has been registered. Generally speaking, when large enterprises apply for trademarks, they have their own trademark application departments and do not need to entrust other companies to handle it. If some small companies do not have such capabilities, they can entrust a trademark agency to handle it. Moreover, the trademark use period is only 10 years. When the trademark expires, if the company has no intention of renewing the trademark, it cannot use the trademark. Because many people will take advantage of this gap to apply for a trademark. If the original company does not apply in time, it is likely that its trademark will be registered by others, thereby losing control of the trademark.
2. How to renew a trademark?
Trademark renewal is not difficult - there are two ways. The first is for the company to go to the Beijing Trademark Office in person, and the second is to entrust a trademark agency to handle it. Because the trademark is valid for 10 years, it needs to be renewed one year before the expiration date. All major companies must remember the time of trademark use and renew trademarks in a timely manner. Moreover, after the trademark renewal is successful, the certificate will not be re-issued, but a renewal certificate will be given. Many established companies have many renewal certificates to prove that their companies have a long history.