TM is the abbreviation of trademark. In our country, it only means that it is a trademark, and it has nothing to do with whether it is registered or applied for.
The R in the circle is the mark of a registered trademark. Only registered trademarks can be used. Unregistered use constitutes passing off a registered trademark.
So, if a trademark registration application is not submitted, the TM trademark can never become an R trademark.
The result will usually be available ten to eleven months after applying for trademark registration.
If it is preliminary approval, there will be a three-month objection period starting from the date of preliminary approval announcement. If there is no objection at the end of the period, registration will be obtained and the registered trademark mark can be used; if it is rejected, Registered trademarks are not allowed.
In addition, after rejection, you can apply for rejection review. It may be possible to recover, but the time is difficult to predict.