Personally, I think that trademark reputation is like the image of your company in the minds of consumers, whether people recognize your company or not, because in the market, your trademark often also represents a company. image and overall, when your trademark has gained a certain popularity in the market, people will be able to associate your company's information when they see your trademark, so companies can use their trademarks as collateral guarantees and loans. This is an assessment of intangible assets. User loyalty refers to whether consumers will have long-term trust in your products. For example, if you recognize a brand, you will continue to buy this brand in the future and introduce it to friends, even if you have the same If the product is placed in front of you, and the price and other aspects are different, you will also choose the previous brand. Therefore, when selling and promoting products, companies also pay attention to cultivating product loyalty, such as good after-sales service and providing A good shopping and consumption environment continuously improves product performance. Because trademarks are attached to products or services. The above only represents personal unwritten knowledge. Please understand that the level of knowledge is limited and everyone can communicate.