I believe that all companies and individuals who have applied for trademark registration will have a question, that is, how to write a trademark registration description. Regarding the trademark registration instructions, whether it is for public institutions or self-employed individuals, they need to have a formal written form to submit relevant applications for trademark registration, and they also need to submit the application through the administrative department. How to write the trademark registration instructions, let’s give it below Please share your writing experience.
1. Basic format
In the process of writing the trademark registration instructions, the title and body are naturally indispensable, and the title must be mainly in Chinese, and there will be no discrepancies in the title. Element. As for the main body of the application, the indispensable text is the introduction and the form. Generally, documents should be printed according to the industrial and commercial administration section.
2. How to write the trademark registration description
Regarding the writing of the trademark registration description, the submitter needs to note that it should be filled in according to the actual situation, and there should be no gaps. The writing format cannot be modified at will. , need to use typing or printing. Regarding the applicant's name, it must be consistent with the subject certification certificate attached to the applicant. The applicant's identity needs to be a natural person, and the identity name and ID number must be clearly filled in.
The actual address information filled in by the applicant must also be consistent with the address on the application form. In the supporting documents, accurately fill in the application address, such as specific province, city, county, street information, etc. You also need to note the actual mailing address.
If there is a *** fan during the trademark registration, you need to fill in the applicant’s name in the application instructions in the *** fan column, and the designated representative must also You can apply to be the representative of a trademark by using an application form. The applicant also needs to outline the scope and type of trademark to be applied for in the trademark type column.
In the process of writing the trademark registration instructions, you also need to pay attention to the name of the trademark, the pictures and texts of the trademark application, or the meaning of some ethnic minority words, etc. These all need to be written clearly. , for example, in some pattern trademarks, if the right to use is given up, the relevant precautions for giving up the use must be stated. According to the trademark, product service items, and the application form, handle the trademark category and apply for the serial number. This is the key to how to write the trademark registration description. Trademark Registration InstructionsTrademark Registration