Legal analysis: The trademark status awaiting review means that the trademark has passed the formal review and is in the stage of waiting for substantive review. It is a review status indicating the trademark review process. Substantive trademark review is a series of activities that the trademark registration authority conducts to check whether a trademark registration application complies with the provisions of the Trademark Law, conducts data retrieval, analyzes and compares, investigates and studies, and decides to give preliminary approval or reject the application.
Legal basis: "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 22 Applicants for trademark registration shall fill in the categories of goods for which the trademark is used according to the prescribed commodity classification table. and product name, submit an application for registration. A trademark registration applicant can apply to register the same trademark for multiple categories of goods through one application. Trademark registration applications and other relevant documents can be submitted in writing or in the form of data messages.
Article 23 If a registered trademark needs to obtain the exclusive right to use the trademark on goods beyond the approved scope of use, a separate application for registration shall be submitted.