Luggage is a general term for all kinds of bags used to hold things, including general shopping bags, handbags, clutch bags, wallets, backpacks, shoulder bags, shoulder bags, purses and various luggage case. Because when people go out, they always take their bags as decorative or convenient articles, so which category should they choose for the luggage trademark?
You can still get the desired answer through the query in the Encyclopedia of Trademark Classification, that is, the category of luggage trademark is "182- leather, artificial leather products, boxes and travel bags that do not belong to other categories, daily leather products-suitcase 1885, suitcase handle 1886, leather or leather board box 1889, chain mesh wallet 189, leather or leather board.
where should Beijing trademark protection start? At this time, we should know the importance of trademark registration in time. Only registered trademarks can be protected by law, and unregistered trademarks are not protected by law. Therefore, enterprises or individuals must register their own trademarks in time and obtain trademark ownership in order to seek legal protection.
after the registered trademark is protected by law, enterprises need to use the trademark correctly. Using the registered trademark according to law is the basic requirement to maintain the legal effect of the exclusive right to use the trademark. Therefore, enterprises must use the trademark in strict accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Law, and cannot change the text or style of the trademark themselves, nor can they change the name or address of the registrant at will. If necessary, they must go to the Trademark Office to handle the corresponding change procedures or re-register a new trademark.
on the basis of the above, enterprises should also learn to prevent trademarks from becoming generic names. In the process of trademark use, we must pay attention not to turn the trademark into the common name of the commodity, because if the trademark is used improperly or publicized improperly, it will gradually lose its distinctiveness and become the common name of the commodity, and it will not be effectively protected.
In addition, enterprises need to sign licensing contracts carefully, do a good job in trademark monitoring and register similar trademarks to prevent other enterprises from registering their trademarks. Note: Welcome to visit Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Transfer Network. Founded in 212, the company is a comprehensive service platform for trademark transfer, trademark registration and trademark trading!