absence/absense: n.1. Absence, absence 2. Lack, lack
absent 1. Absence, absence 2. Lack, non-existence 3. Boundless Randomly, absent-mindedly
abuse1. Abuse, abuse 2. Abuse; slander 3. Abuse, harm
accommodation 1. Adapt; adjust 2. Reconciliation; reconciliation
ache 1. (continuous) pain 2. sympathy, pity [( for)] [ to-v] 3. feel pain [( at)]
acid 1. sour, with sour 2. acidic
3. acerbic
acre 1. Acre 2. real estate; land [P] 3. mouthful
afterward (s) ad.1. After, later, later
alarm 1. alarm; siren [C] 2. alarm clock [C] (=alarm clock)
3. Panic, fear, worry [U]vt.1. Call the police to..., call for help 2. Make panic, uneasiness, fear
album n.[ C] Photo album; stamp album
ambassador1. Ambassador; envoy [( to)]2. Metaphor of messenger, representative
amusement1. Fun; interest [U]2. Entertainment, recreation ;Entertainment activities[C][U]
annual1. adj. annual; once a year 2. annual; year-round n.1. annual, yearbook 2. annual plants
ant ant
appointment appointment, agreement
arithmetic arithmetic/calculation (of)
arrow 1. arrow, arrow-shaped object vt.1. Indicated by an arrow 2. Flying towards (or passing through) like an arrow vi.1. Moving forward quickly like an arrow
ashamed shy
aside ad.1. beside; to (or toward) the side
astronomy astronomy
atom 1. atom 2. tiny thing; trace amount, a little
automatic automatic (device)
avenue street, avenue, passage, method,
balloon1. balloon, hydrogen balloon 2. balloon (used as a toy)
bamboo1. bamboo, bamboo[C][U]2. bamboo[U]
banana banana (taste/color) comedian
barbecue 1. (on a campfire or stove Grilled) roasted whole animal
2. Barbeque; grilled fish; grilled chicken 3. Barbeque picnic
barrier obstacle, roadblock, fence
bat 1. (baseball; cricket) bat; (snooker, etc.) racket 2. short stick
3. bat 4. (cricket, etc.) batsman
bathe 1. soak... 2. bathe...
bathtub bathtub
beast beast, beast/(large four-legged) animal
blouse 1. A short top (for women, children, etc.), a blouse
2. Work clothes (with a belt around the belly) 3. Military tops
bonus bonus; additional allowance; special subsidy
boot1. (long) boots [P1] 2. British men's short boots; rubber galoshes
brake brake, brake, brake; 2. Obstacle, constraint [( on)]
. pump handle, pump rod vt. brake (car)
brand trademark, brand
broom broom; long-handled brush, sweep with a broom; sweep
bunch 1. string, bundle 2. group of people, gang, help. v. make a bunch
cage cage
camel1. camel 2. camel , light yellowish brown
canteen (factory, school, etc.) restaurant, canteen
carpenter (when) carpenter, carpenter
carriage1. four-wheeled carriage [C] 2. British (train) passenger carriage [C] 3. American stroller [C] 4. Transportation; freight
carrot carrot
cartoon caricature, comic strip, sketch, painting Comics
centigrade .1 percent 2. centigrade
chalk (write with) chalk
chef 1. (restaurant, etc.) chef, master chef 2. chef
chemist1. chemist 2. British pharmacist, drug dealer 3. waste alchemist
chess chess
circus circus; circus performance
claw (animal) claw, claw; (crab, shrimp, etc.) pincers, pincers/catch (or tear, dig, pull) with claws etc.)
cloudy cloudy
collar1. collar 2. to collar (clothes)
comedy comedy
commit. (Crime), do (wrong things, etc.)
Commitment1. Entrust, entrust; appoint [U] 2. Put in jail; put in prison [U]
3. Put in a mental hospital [ U]4. Commitment, guarantee; obligation
consideration consideration
constitution 1. constitution; charter, regulations 2. constitution, physique
construct1. construction , constitute 2. Create (doctrine, etc.); construct (word); create (sentence)
correction1. Correction, modification; correction 2. Punishment, punishment [U]; education
counter counter; long counter table
courtyard courtyard; patio
crew1. All crew 2. All crew (of an airplane or spacecraft), air crew 3. (rowing) Team of players 4. A group (or team, etc.) of staff
cyclist cyclist
decoration, decoration
dessert, desert
dictation, dictation
disability, incompetence
dismiss1. Let... leave; send... away 2. Dismiss, dismissal
doll, doll
dot 1. dot, small dot 2. point-like object; tiny thing; a small amount, a little bit
drawer drawer
drill drill, drill bit; drill press; drilling machine
drum drum
drunk (past participle of drink) drunken
eagle 1. Eagle 2. Eagle-shaped; eagle flag
Easter (Christianity) Easter
eggplant eggplant
embassy. (often capitalized) embassy (all staff)
joyable; fun
eyesight vision, eyesight, vision, vision
fade wither, wither, (color) fade
faith faith; trust, complete trust
fare (transportation) fare, car (ship) fare
finance finance
file folder , briefcase
flashlight flashlight, flashlight
flexible, easy to bend; flexible; elastic
frost frost
garlic garlic
giraffe giraffe
golf golf
graduation graduation
gram gram
gratefull gratefully, thankfully
greengrocer greengrocer; vegetable vendor
guarantee guarantee; product guarantee; guarantee letter
guitar guitar
ham ham
hamburger hamburger
harbo(u)r harbor, harbor , shelter
hen hen
hike hiking
homeland motherland, hometown
ice-cream ice cream
idiom idiom; idiom; idiom
insert insert; insert
jaw jaw; jaw, chin
jazz jazz
kangaroo kangaroo
kettle kettle
lamb lamb
lemon lemon (tree/juice)
lemonade lemonade
lid liquid
literary literary, literary
lung lung
mat floor mat; straw mat
mess food group; canteen; collective dining staff; food
millimeter/millimeter millimeter
mist mist, mist, mist; water vapor; spray
moral moral (Part 1)
moustache mustache; horoscope Must
multiply. Multiply, multiply, increase (multiplely)
occupation work, occupation
opera Opera
oral spoken
outcome income
outgoing1. Going out; setting off 2. About to leave 3. Straightforward
pavement paved ground (or road); paved road
pepper pepper; chili powder; spice condiment
postcode UK Mail Area code; postal code
postman postman
prayer prayer, prayer
preserve preservation, preservation; embalming
qualification confers (or obtains) qualifications, qualifications, abilities
religious religion (Part 1)
revision; revision; revision, review
revolution revolution (movement)
salad salad
rl saleswoman
sausage sausage
schoolboy/girl male/female student
sew sewing, sewing
sightseeing sightseeing
simplify simplify, streamline; make simple; make easy
sleeve sleeves
sour sour
spy spy
steady steady
straw straw
p>strawberry strawberry
string thread; string; strap
super dinner, super
swear, declaration
sweat sweet
swell. swelling, swelling
sword. sword, knife
tension tighten, tighten , tense
thread line
throat throat
thunder thunder, thunder
timetable schedule
toothbrush toothbrush
tough rough
transform translation
trial try; trial; test
T—shirt T-shirt
umcomfortable inappropriate
unwilling unwilling, unwilling
user user, user
vase vase
vehicle bicycle
vest vest
vital vital; necessary to maintain life
wander wandering, wandering, wandering
warmth warm, friendly
watermelon watermelon
weekday weekdays, working days
whistle whistle
windy windy
winner winner, winner
worm worm, worm, borer, parasite
X-ray X-ray, X-ray
yard code
yoghurt yogurt, yogurt
Attachment: The above are basically common meanings, and they are also the most basic. The usage can be extended accordingly.