First of all, we should pay attention to choosing the type of Bajie. Honey trademark should pay attention to honey, an agricultural product. Trademarks that cannot be selected cannot reflect the attributes of honey. Secondly, when you buy a trademark, you should pay attention to signing the contract. Please sign it again. It will be safer.
So what is the honey trademark purchase process? This is the most important part of this article, and it is also the part that everyone needs to know most when transferring trademarks.
First, the buyer determines the trademark to be purchased according to his own preferences, and then determines the final transaction price with the seller or our company. Secondly, once the price is determined, the buyer and the seller need to sign a trademark transfer contract and prepare to exchange relevant documents. Documents to be submitted for trademark transfer: 1. A copy of the buyer's business license/ID card; 2. Transfer application and trademark agency power of attorney with official seals/signatures of the buyer and the seller (our company provides a fixed format); Third, a copy of the trademark registration certificate to be transferred. Article 25 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law stipulates that identical or similar trademarks registered by trademark applicants/registrants on the same or similar goods/services must be transferred together. These processes are common to all trademark transfers, and I hope they can help you.
Trademark transfer is a simple and complicated matter, which is as simple as daily life for people and enterprises who know it, but it will encounter many problems for people who don't understand it. If you want a trademark, ask Bajie,