Where can I apply for trademark registration in Chengdu? Trademark registration application process. As an important electronic information industry base in the world, there are 30 national-level scientific research institutions, 67 national-level R&D platforms, 56 universities, and about 3.89 million talents of all types; 285 of the world's top 500 companies, so it attracts many entrepreneurs. This is a business, but it is difficult for entrepreneurs to register a trademark.
Where can I apply for trademark registration in Chengdu?
1. Go to the Chengdu Trademark Acceptance Window of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. On the morning of November 1, 2016, the trademark registration and acceptance agency established by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in Chengdu was officially launched at the Tianfu New District Government Service Center.
2. Go to the Trademark Registration Hall of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Office;
3. Entrust a legally established trademark agency to handle the matter (you can check the list of agencies on the website of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Office ), IP Chengdu Branch Address: Room 705, 7th Floor, Tower A, Oriental Hope Tianxiang Plaza, No. 500, Middle Section of Tianfu Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chengdu
Chengdu trademark registration application process:
1 . Before submitting an application for registration, the trademark registration applicant or his agent should conduct a trademark search and search on the trademark to be registered to check whether there are similar or identical trademarks;
2. Prepare application documents and submit them Submit the application documents to the Trademark Office and pay the official trademark registration fee of 270 yuan per piece;
3. The Trademark Office conducts formal review, which refers to the trademark registration authority’s review of whether the documents and procedures for trademark registration are in compliance with legal requirements. If it complies with legal regulations, the examination agency will assign an application number and determine the application date. It will take about one month after the application materials are submitted; the Trademark Office will issue you an application acceptance notice within ten working days (this period is called the formal review stage).
4. The Trademark Office conducts a substantive review and announces the preliminary approval; the trademark substantive review is the inspection, data retrieval, analysis and comparison conducted by the trademark registration authority on whether the trademark registration application complies with the "Trademark Law" and relevant regulations. , investigate and study and decide on a series of activities such as preliminary approval or rejection of the application; if the substantive examination is passed, the announcement process will be entered. This period is 3 months, also called the opposition period;
5. In the "Trademark It will be announced in the "Announcement". After the announcement period expires and no one raises any objection, you can get the trademark registration certificate.
The time for successful registration above is generally about 12 to 18 months. (Note: Trademark registration does not guarantee 100% success, whether it is an individual or an agency)
The latest standard for trademark registration fees:
According to the "National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance's Notice on Lowering Notice on Certain Administrative Fee Standards" (Fagai Price [2019] No. 914) stipulates that starting from July 1, 2019, some trademark registration fees will be reduced. The specific fee standards are now announced as follows:
1. The registration fee for trademark renewal is reduced from 1,000 yuan to 500 yuan;
2. The change fee is reduced from 250 yuan to 150 yuan; for trademarks that submit online applications and accept electronic issuance Changes in business are exempt from change fees;
3. For other trademark businesses that submit online applications and accept electronic issuance, the following charging items are involved, including trademark registration fees, reissue trademark registration certificate fees, and acceptance fees. Fees for transferring registered trademarks, accepting trademark renewal registration fees, accepting renewal registration delay fees, accepting trademark review fees, issuing trademark certification fees, accepting collective trademark registration fees, accepting certification trademark registration fees, trademark opposition fees, trademark cancellation fees, trademark The license contract filing fee is charged at the current standard of 90.
Under ideal circumstances, registered trademarks are a good way to obtain trademarks, but in recent years, trademark resources such as "good combination, good meaning, and easy to remember" have become increasingly scarce.
The above is about where to register a trademark in Chengdu? The content of the trademark registration application process. In the market economy, whether you start a business or not, there are inherent risks in enterprise development. Choosing to register a trademark is tantamount to adding a lot of uncertain risks.
Therefore, many people choose trademark transfer when they are in urgent need of trademarks. In the trademark transfer market, speed and zero risk are the biggest advantages. This is a fact, and the success rate of trademark transfer is also extremely high. Chengdu Trademark Registration Trademark Registration Application Trademark Registration Process