1. The trademark applied for registration on the same or similar goods as Zhi is a well-known trademark copied or translated by others and not registered in China, so it cannot be registered and its use is prohibited.
2. A trademark applied for registration on different or similar goods cannot be registered for use if it is a copy or translation of a well-known trademark registered by others in China.
3. If a registered trademark violates the provisions of the Trademark Law, the trademark owner may apply for cancellation of the trademark within 5 years from the date of trademark registration. If it is registered in bad faith, it is not limited by 5 years.
4. If a well-known trademark is registered as an enterprise name, it may cause public misunderstanding, and the owner of the well-known trademark may apply to the enterprise registration authority for cancellation of the company name registration.
5. If the trademark used by others violates the provisions of the Trademark Law, the parties concerned may request the protection of the well-known trademark, and submit a written request to the industrial and commercial department above the city where the case occurred, requesting the prohibition of the use of the trademark. Of course, the parties should submit the certification materials of the well-known trademark.