gg is a GUCCI brand bag.
GG is GG Marmont, which is a very important series of Gucci bags. It can even be said to have redefined Gucci. Now when Gucci is mentioned, the first thing most people think of is the GG Marmont series of bags.
GG Marmont has been popular since 2016, and its product series covers card holders, wallets, chain bags, handbags, backpacks and other categories. Whether you like camera bags or chain bags, they are constantly out of stock, restocked, out of stock, and restocked.
Introduction to the GG Marmont bag:
Currently, there are six common materials for the GG Marmont handbag series, namely ordinary cowhide, ordinary cowhide with decorations, ordinary cowhide graffiti, and ordinary velvet. , velvet with accessories, denim with pearls.
Handbags made of ordinary cowhide and ordinary velvet are both solid color series. Ordinary cowhide has the highest durability and matchability, while the cleaning and care of velvet is slightly more complicated than cowhide and has some seasonal characteristics, making it more suitable for autumn and winter. .
The GG Marmont series of handbags are exquisite, fashionable and very versatile. Their classicness and popularity are no less than that of the Dionysus bag, because the chain of the GG Marmont is very light and not as heavy as the Dionysus bag. The chain is also very convenient to carry on one shoulder.