When choosing a shoe size, it is one size or half a size smaller than other shoes you usually wear. Because the size of genuine shoes is too large, it is generally necessary to buy a smaller size. For example, choose size 37 white shoes, which should be 36.5 or 36, but everyone's feet are different. If possible, you'd better try them on. Fit is the most important thing, and size is just a reference.
There should be genuine packaging boxes and dust bags, which will have a clear brand logo, and shoe boxes will have information labels of shoes, including size and color. And the fake white shoe dust bag is very rough.
Extended data:
Precautions for using shoes:
Bend your shoes. When choosing shoes, bend with your toes or heels, just like bending sports shoes.
Strong. Shoes/soft sports shoes should be firm and elastic, and don't wear hard soles.
Low-waist shoes/soft sports shoes. Choose a low waist from time to time, not higher than the ankle.
Suitable. Shoes/soft sports shoes must be in contact with the feet, and there should be a gap between the toe and the heel.
Because shoes and soft sports protect feet, there is no need to wear them at home (there are other factors to protect feet). It is best to go barefoot or wear socks at home.
Baidu encyclopedia-shoes