1. There are no restrictions on applicants for EU trademark registration. Applicants for EU trademark registration are not limited to nationals of EU member states. Nationals of other member states such as the Paris Convention and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) can also apply;
2. EU trademark Registration fees are low. You only need to apply for registration once and you can use the registered trademark throughout the 28 member states of the European Union. Compared with filing separate applications in each member state, the cost is significantly reduced;
3. Registering an EU trademark maintains overall effectiveness in the EU member states: the applicant can register in all 28 EU members by submitting one application If the trademark is protected domestically, there is no need to specify the country in which it wishes to be protected. ***The use of a homologous trademark in any member country will be deemed as use in all member countries. Even if the trademark is only used in one country, it will not be in danger of being revoked because it is not used in other countries; The transfer, change or renewal of ***the same entity trademark will be effective in all member states;
4. EU trademark registration is based on the principle of dual protection, and ***the same entity registered trademark does not replace the national registered trademark , the national registered trademark will continue to exist like the internationally registered trademark:
(1) If an applicant’s application for registered trademark to the *** Tong body is rejected, the applicant can apply to *** Tong body within three months If a trademark is converted into a trademark application in one or several countries, the original application date and priority date will also be enjoyed;
(2) During the internal announcement period of the EU registered trademark application, the ***entity The country's earlier right holder can raise an objection. If the country's earlier right holder tolerates the continuous use of a later registered trademark for five years without knowing it, it will lose the right to file an invalidation or object to the use. If a trademark exists, there will be two different trademark owners in the same region;
5. There is no restriction on the application language for EU trademark registration, and any EU member state can be used language. When applying, the applicant can use any one of English, French, German, Italian and Spanish as the language for objection, revocation or invalidation by others;
6. EU trademark registration has a negative impact on domestic applications. Basic registration is not required.
1. EU trademark registration requires high distinctiveness of the trademark. As long as someone in one of the 28 member states raises an objection and the objection is established, the registration will be rejected. Although the rejected trademark can be converted into a national application and the original filing date is retained, the applicant must pay the conversion fee to each country. If the trademark is not very distinctive, it is not suitable to apply for EU trademark registration.
2. It is difficult to determine the time for applying for EU trademark registration at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market. If all goes well, registration could be available within a year. However, as long as there are objections, the trademark cannot be registered in time. Resolving objections takes a long time, usually around 2 years.