If you want to register a trademark, you should check with China Trademark Network to see if your trademark has been registered.
remember to visit the real China Trademark Network, not baidu promotion's website.
Go to China Trademark Network, where there is a column "Trademark Inquiry".
Then go to Trademark Inquiry and click "Trademark Comprehensive Inquiry", then add only the name of the trademark you want to inquire, leaving nothing else, and then click OK to see how many fields this trademark has been registered.
You can also click "Trademark Approximation Inquiry", and it will be displayed if the trademark you are inquiring about has been registered. Generally, a trademark has several registered items. As long as the item you want to register is not registered, you may be registered successfully.
I have registered a trademark, and the registration fee for accepting a registered trademark is 8 yuan.
The address of the Trademark Registration Hall of the State Trademark Office is: No.1 Chama South Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.
In addition, there is nothing too profound about trademark registration. Unless you are too busy or it is inconvenient to come to Beijing in other places, you can find an intermediary company to handle the registration.
If you need my help, you can ask me at any time. I usually do. Or give me a letter from the station.