Legal analysis: my country implements the principle of voluntary protection of trademarks, but unregistered trademarks are not protected unless they are well-known trademarks. For a trademark registrant, if the trademark expires and is not renewed, it will be deemed that the trademark registrant has abandoned the registered trademark. After the registered trademark is abandoned, the trademark registrant can no longer exclude others from using the registered trademark. If someone other than the trademark registrant wants to use the registered trademark, they can file for withdrawal or invalidation of the registered trademark. To withdraw a registered trademark, an application is filed if the registered trademark has not been used for three consecutive years. If the registered trademark has not been used for three consecutive years, in order to prevent the waste of the trademark, anyone can file an application to withdraw the registered trademark. Invalidation is when someone other than the trademark registrant initiates an invalidation procedure against a registered trademark, believing that the registered trademark does not meet the conditions for granting a registered trademark, for example, it is not distinctive, there is a prior copyright, etc. After a trademark is revoked or invalid, others other than the registered trademark holder can use the trademark.
Legal basis: "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" Article 56 The exclusive right to register a trademark is limited to the approved registered trademark and the approved goods for use.