It is illegal to sell counterfeit goods through live broadcasts. It is suspected of selling goods with counterfeit registered trademarks. Those who make a large amount of illegal income from selling fake goods will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years and fined. Selling fake goods is illegal. Those with huge amounts of income will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years, and shall also be fined.
1. Product quality should meet the following requirements:
1. There is no unreasonable danger endangering personal and property safety, and there are national standards to protect human health and personal and property safety. , industry standards, they should comply with the standards;
2. Have the performance that the product should have, except for the explanation of defects in the performance of the product;
3. Comply with the product standards indicated on the product or its packaging, and comply with the quality status indicated by product descriptions, physical samples, etc.
2. In order to maintain the socialist market economic order and social management order, any person who commits any of the following acts and constitutes a crime shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the relevant provisions of the criminal law:
1. Use of Selling counterfeit and inferior products or making false publicity about goods and services on the Internet;
2. Anyone who uses the Internet to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, constituting a civil infringement, shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.
3. Counterfeit goods in a narrow sense mainly include:
1. Products that do not meet national standards and industry standards to protect human health, personal and property safety.
2. Adulteration, adulteration, passing off fake products as genuine or substandard products.
3. Unqualified products.
4. Products that have failed or deteriorated.
Legal basis:
"Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 214 Selling goods that are knowingly counterfeit registered trademarks, If the amount of illegal income is large or there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years and concurrently or solely with a fine. If the amount of illegal income is huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than 10 years and shall also be fined. .