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If an individual transfers an exclusive trademark to a company, he or she can apply to the local tax authority for invoicing. All units and individuals that have gone through tax registration shall apply to the competent tax authorities for purchase and issue ordinary invoices corresponding to their business scope. However, when selling goods, providing taxable labor services, transferring intangible assets, selling real estate, and tax laws, For other prescribed commercial activities, you may apply to the competent tax authority for the issuance of ordinary invoices.
Invoices refer to the business vouchers issued and collected by all units and individuals when purchasing and selling goods, providing or receiving services, and engaging in other business activities. They are the original basis for accounting and are also used by auditing and tax authorities. An important basis for law enforcement inspections. Receipts are proof of receipt and payment. Invoices can only prove that business has occurred, but cannot prove whether the money has been received or paid.