The trademark registration for academic qualification improvement belongs to the 3701 group of trademark classification, Category 37;
According to statistics from, there are 7 registered trademarks for promotion.
How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (hole backfilling, group number: 3701), and the registration ratio reaches 14.29
2. Select to register (Compaction and Foundation Insulation, Group Number: 3701) There are 1 trademarks in the category, with a registration ratio of 14.29
3. Select to register (Partial Reinforcement of Foundation There is 1 trademark in the category "Foundation, Group No.: 3701", and the registration ratio is 14.29
4. There is 1 trademark in the "Building, Group No.: 3702" category, and the registration ratio is 14.29
4. Reaching 14.29
5. Choose to register (installation services, group number: 3702) category of trademarks has 1, the registration ratio reached 14.29
6. Choose to register (such as floor covering There is 1 trademark in the category of plates, houses, walls, roads, civil, industrial, commercial, airport runways, etc. (group number: 3704), with a registration ratio of 14.29
7. Select registration ( There is 1 trademark in the category "Reinforcing and stabilizing foundations and building structure foundations, group number: 3701", with a registration ratio of 14.29