Check the qualifications of the housekeeping company: Check whether the housekeeping company has a business license issued by the industrial and commercial department, whether it has registered capital, and whether it has a tax registration certificate issued by the taxation department. This can be done through telephone consultation or on-site inspection.
However, the current housekeeping service industry involves all aspects of people’s lives. When choosing to join, you should have a full understanding and understanding of housekeeping services.
Nowadays, domestic service agencies have different development qualifications, different service structures, and different franchise support. When choosing a franchise company, first look at the brand. You need to confirm whether these types of brands exist and whether they are registered. trademark.
It is also necessary to verify the registration time of the domestic service agency on the spot. If a company is temporarily established, you need to pay attention. If you want to know the registration time, you can check with the industrial and commercial department where the company is registered.
Domestic service agencies that do not have trademark rights cannot be selected. This needs to be understood carefully during the inspection. Do not regard the trademark application acceptance notice as certification of successful trademark application.
Nowadays, many domestic service agencies have different development qualifications and different franchise guarantees. Therefore, finding the right franchise brand is the key.