Herbicides have been widely used in agriculture and have achieved obvious economic benefits. However, due to unreasonable use and other reasons, herbicides often occur, resulting in crop production restrictions or suspensions. Once herbicide damage occurs, different levels of damage will be difficult to avoid. Even if effective prevention and control measures are taken, it cannot be eradicated. Ways to avoid phytotoxicity caused by herbicides
Do not use herbicides on sensitive crops
Some crops are extremely sensitive to certain types or types of herbicides, so do not spray them directly, even if Accidentally scattering particulate matter on the leaves and stems of crops, or using a sprayer that has not cleaned the herbicide before spraying other chemicals will also cause phytotoxicity to the crop, causing it to stop growing or causing deformities, and seriously causing the main stem to wither. . It is easy to cause phytotoxicity, so you must avoid using it, or know the appropriate concentration after use before using it on a large scale.
The method of using herbicides must be appropriate
There are many types of herbicides with different usage methods. Please read the instructions on the label before use. Do not use them casually, otherwise It is easy to cause phytotoxicity. When using poisonous soil to control weeds in rice fields, if you accidentally get the powder on the leaves, it will easily cause phytotoxicity. Herbicides such as glyphosate can also cause serious damage if they are contaminated on seeds.
Avoid using herbicides during the sensitive periods of crop growth?
Crops are sensitive to herbicides during the germination, budding and heading and flowering stages. The use of herbicides at this time can easily cause pesticide poisoning. Harmful. If herbicide is applied during the budding period of rice, it will cause a large number of scorched buds.
Should herbicides be properly stored to avoid misuse?
If herbicides are not properly stored, they may become ineffective, the label may fall off or be lost, and the label cannot be read clearly due to moisture. The trademarks on the herbicide packaging have detailed descriptions of the herbicide's performance, usage methods, pharmaceutical ingredients, action characteristics, precautions and validity period, etc., which are important basis for the use of herbicides. Failure to follow the instructions on the label may lead to drug injury.
Do not mix herbicides blindly
There are strict requirements for the mixing of herbicides, and they cannot be mixed and used at will. Otherwise, not only will they not have a synergistic effect, but they will also easily cause serious phytotoxicity. Mixing pesticides with organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides can easily cause phytotoxicity. It is not uncommon for herbicides to be harmed by misuse, and this must be taken seriously. ?
The concentration of herbicides must be appropriate
It is common to increase the concentration of herbicides at will, which will cause the most damage and losses. There are strict requirements for the concentration of herbicides. You must not increase or decrease the concentration (especially increasing the concentration), otherwise it will easily cause damage or reduce the effectiveness of the herbicide. When weeding wheat fields, excessive dosage of Superstar will cause phytotoxicity.
Don’t ignore the damage caused by herbicide residues
Some herbicides can remain in the soil for a long time and cause damage to the next crop. When metsulfuron is used for weeding in wheat fields, the residue often causes damage to subsequent crops of corn, resulting in smaller, thinner, discolored leaves, reduced chlorophyll, dwarf plants, and reduced seed setting rate.
The external environment has an impact on the use of herbicides
External environmental conditions are also closely related to the occurrence of herbicide damage. Temperature, humidity, wind, light, rain, snow, etc. will all affect the effectiveness of herbicides. Many herbicides can cause phytotoxicity when used at high temperatures, even if used at the concentration specified in the instructions. When wheat fields are weeded with chlorophyllon, if they encounter low temperatures, wind, rain, cold currents, etc., it is easy to cause phytotoxicity.
Do not use herbicides of poor quality
Herbicides of questionable quality are prone to phytotoxicity. Be sure to purchase regular manufacturers with complete procedures, good market response, and guaranteed quality. For manufactured herbicides, do not purchase "three no's products" without factory name, factory address, and production date, or products whose quality is difficult to guarantee, to avoid causing phytotoxicity. If wettable powder herbicides have poor processing quality, large powder particles, poor wettability, and poor suspension properties, they will easily precipitate after adding water, affecting the uniformity of spraying and concentration of the solution, and may cause phytotoxicity.
Clean pesticide application tools
Sprayers and other tools that have been used with herbicides must be cleaned in time before spraying other pesticides, otherwise it may cause pesticide damage.