Dukang used to be the best-selling national liquor in the country, so there were counterfeiters who used connections to sell Dukang’s real trademark and then put the real trademark on the fake liquor, and ended up buying fake liquor. If people drink too much, one will die and another will go blind. If they sue them, no one will dare to drink Dukang. . Now there is Du Kang from Yichuan, and he tells Du Kang from Ruyang that Du Kang is theirs. Cao Cao said, "How can we relieve our worries? Only Du Kang has become him?" He belongs to Yichuan. Ruyang Dukang is not a low-quality liquor. Ruyang Dukang is really good. Especially the old Du Kang from the 1970s, some people are collecting them now. I also have a few boxes at home and I don’t want to drink them all. My home is in Dukang Village