ctrl u
********************************** ***************
Ctrl Shift Spacebar creates a non-breaking space
Ctrl hyphen creates a non-breaking hyphen
Ctrl B Make characters bold
Ctrl I Make characters italic
Ctrl U Underline characters
Ctrl Shift lt; Reduce font size
Ctrl Shift gt; Increase font size
Ctrl Q Delete paragraph format
Ctrl Spacebar Delete character format
Ctrl C Copy selected text or object
Ctrl X Cut selected text or object
Ctrl V Paste text or object
Ctrl Z Undo previous operation
Ctrl Y Repeat the previous operation
F1 Get online help or Office Assistant
F2 Move text or graphics
F3 Insert AutoText entry (in After Word displays the entry)
F4 Repeat the previous operation
F5 Select the "Locate" command in the "Edit" menu
F6 Go to the next Pane or frame
F7 Select the Spelling and Grammar command from the Tools menu
F8 Expand the selection
F9 Update the selected field
F10 Activate the menu bar
F11 Go to the next field
F12 Select the "Save As" command in the "File" menu
Shift Function keys
Shift F1 key combination launches context-sensitive help or display formatting
Shift F2 key combination copies text
Shift F3 key combination changes letter case
Shift F4 key combination repeats the "Find" or "Locate" operation
Shift F5 key combination moves to the previous revision
Shift F6 key combination goes to the previous window grid or frame
Shift F7 to select the Thesaurus command (located in the Language submenu of the Tools menu)
Shift F8 to narrow the selection
Shift F9 switches between field codes and their results
Shift F10 displays a shortcut menu
Shift F11 goes to the previous field
Shift F12 key combination selects the "Save" command on the "File" menu
Ctrl function key
Ctrl F2 key combination selects the "File" menu "Print Preview" command
Ctrl F3 key combination cuts to the image and text field
Ctrl F4 key combination closes the window
Ctrl F5 key combination restores the document window document size
Ctrl F6 key combination goes to the next window
Ctrl F7 key combination selects the "Move" command on the "Control" menu
Ctrl F8 key combination selects " "Size" command on the "Control" menu
Ctrl F9 key combination inserts into empty space
Ctrl F10 key combination maximizes the document window
Ctrl F11 key combination locks Field
Ctrl F12 key combination select on the File menu
"Open" command
Ctrl Shift function key
Ctrl Shift F3 key combination inserts the content of the graphic field
Ctrl Shift F5 key combination edits bookmarks
p>Ctrl Shift F6 key combination goes to the previous window
Ctrl Shift F7 key combination updates the linked information in the Word source document
Ctrl Shift F8 key combination expands the selected area or block (then press an arrow key)
Ctrl Shift F9 unlinks a field
Ctrl Shift F10 activates the ruler
Ctrl Shift F11 Unlock a domain
Ctrl Shift F12 Select the Print command on the File menu
Alt function key
Alt F1 Go Next field
Alt F3 key combination creates AutoText entry
Alt F4 key combination exits Word
Alt F5 key combination restores program window size
Alt F7 key combination to find the next spelling or grammatical error. You need to select the Check spelling as you type check box, located on the Spelling and Grammar tab of the Options dialog box on the Tools menu.
Alt F8 key combination runs the macro
Alt F9 key combination switches between all field codes and their results
Alt F10 key combination maximizes the program window
Alt Shift F1 key combination displays Microsoft Visual Basic code
Alt Shift function key
Alt Shift F1 key combination goes to the previous field
Alt Shift F2 key combination selects the Save command in the File menu
Alt Shift F9 key combination runs Gotobutton or Macrobutton in the field showing the field results
Alt Shift F11 The key combination displays Microsoft Visual Studio code
Ctrl Alt function key
Ctrl Alt F1 key combination displays Microsoft system information
Ctrl Alt F2 key combination "File" menu "Open" command in
Shortcut keys for text and graphics
Change font or font size
Ctrl Shift F key combination to change font
Ctrl Shift P key combination changes font size
Ctrl Shift gt; key combination increases font size
Ctrl Shift lt; key combination decreases font size
Ctrl ] Key combination increases the font size point by point
Ctrl [Key combination decreases the font size point by point
Apply character format
Ctrl D key combination changes the character format (" Font command in the Format menu)
Shift F3 key combination changes letter case
Ctrl Shift A key combination sets all letters to uppercase
Ctrl B key combination applies bold format
Ctrl U key combination applies underline format
Ctrl Shift W key combination only underlines words and words, not spaces
Ctrl Shift D key combination adds double underline to text
Ctrl Shift H key combination applies hidden text format
Ctrl I key combination applies italic format
Ctrl Shift K key combination sets all letters to lowercase
Ctrl = (equal sign) key combination applies subscript formatting (auto spacing)
Ctrl Shift (plus sign) key combination Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing)
Ctrl Shift Z key combination cancels the manually set character format
Ctrl Shift Q key combination sets the selected part to Symbol font
View and copy text formats
Ctrl Shift * (asterisk) key combination displays non-printing characters
Shift F1 key combination (then click the text whose format you want to know) View text format
Ctrl Shift C key combination to copy format
Ctrl Shift V key combination to paste format
Set line spacing
Ctrl 1 combination Key combination: single line spacing
Ctrl 2 key combination: double line spacing
Ctrl 5 key combination: 1.5 times line spacing
Ctrl 0 key combination adds a line spacing before the paragraph
Set paragraph alignment
Ctrl E key combination paragraph center
trl J key combination aligns both ends
Ctrl L key combination aligns left
Ctrl R key combination aligns right
Ctrl M key combination indents paragraphs on the left
Ctrl Shift M key combination cancels the left paragraph indent
Ctrl T key combination creates a hanging indent
Ctrl Shift T key combination reduces the hanging indent amount
Ctrl Q key combination cancels paragraph formatting
Apply paragraph formatting
Ctrl Shift S key combination applies style
Alt Ctrl K key combination Start "AutoFormat"
Ctrl Shift N key combination applies the "Text" style
Alt Ctrl 1 key combination applies the "Heading 1" style
Alt Ctrl 2 Key combination applies the "Title 2" style
Alt Ctrl 3 Key combination applies the "Title 3" style
Ctrl Shift L Key combination applies the "List" style
Delete text and graphics
Backspace key deletes a character on the left
Ctrl Backspace key combination deletes a word on the left
Delete key deletes a word on the right A character
Ctrl Delete key combination deletes a word on the right
Ctrl X key combination cuts the selected text to the "clipboard"
Ctrl Z Key combination to undo the previous operation
Ctrl F3 key combination to cut to the "Graphic and Text Field"
Copy and move text and graphics
Ctrl C key combination to copy Text or graphics
Press the Ctrl C key combination twice to display the "Clipboard"
F2 (then move the insertion point and press Enter) Move text or graphics
Alt F3 key combination creates an "AutoText" entry
Ctrl V key combination pastes the contents of the "Clipboard"
Ctrl Shift F3 key combination pastes the "AutoText" key combination ”
Alt Shift R key combination to copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document
Insert special characters
Ctrl F9 key combination Field
Enter key (when the screen prompt appears after typing the first few characters of the AutoText entry name) AutoText entry
Shift Enter Key combination line break
Ctrl Enter key combination page break
Ctrl Shift Enter key combination column separator
Ctrl - (hyphen) key combination optional hyphen Characters
Ctrl Shift - (hyphen) key combination non-breaking hyphen
Ctrl Shift space key combination non-breaking space
Alt Ctrl C key combination copyright symbol
Alt Ctrl R key combination registered trademark symbol
Alt Ctrl T key combination trademark symbol
Alt Ctrl . (period) key combination ellipses
Select text and graphics
To select text, hold down the Shift key and press a key that moves the insertion point.
Shift One character to the right of the right arrow
Shift One character to the left of the left arrow
Ctrl Shift Right arrow to the end of the word
Ctrl Shift left arrow to start word
Shift End key combination to end of line
Shift Home key combination to start of line
Shift down arrow to next line
Shift up arrow to go up one line
Ctrl Shift down arrow to the end of paragraph
Ctrl Shift up arrow to the beginning of paragraph
Shift Page Down key combination to next screen
Shift Page Up The key combination goes up one screen
Ctrl Shift Home The beginning of the key combination document
Ctrl Shift End The end of the key combination document
Alt Ctrl Shift Page Down End of window
Ctrl A includes the entire document
Ctrl Shift F8, then use the arrow keys; press Esc to deselect mode vertical text Block
F8 Arrow key; press Esc to deselect a specific location in the modal document
Tip If you know the key combination to move the insertion point, you can usually also While holding down the Shift key, use the same key combination to select text. For example, pressing Ctrl Right Arrow moves the insertion point to the next word, and pressing Ctrl Shift Right Arrow selects text from the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.
Select text and graphics in the table
Tab key selects the content of the next cell
Shift Tab key combination selects the content of the previous cell Content
Hold down the Shift key and press an arrow key repeatedly to extend the selection into adjacent cells
Click the first or last cell of the column. Hold down the Shift key and press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow repeatedly.
Select columns
Ctrl Shift F8, then use the arrow keys; press Esc to deselect mode to expand the selection (or block)
Shift F8 to shrink all Select content
Alt 5 key on the numeric keyboard (Num Lock key must be turned off) Select the entire table
Expand the selected content
F8 key Turn on extended mode
F8 key, then press the left or right arrow key to select adjacent characters
F8 key (press once to select a word, press twice Select one sentence at a time, and so on) to increase the selection
Shift F8 key combination to reduce the selection
Esc key to turn off the expansion mode
Move Insert Click
Please press to perform the operation
Left arrow moves one character left
Right arrow moves one character right
Ctrl left arrow moves left A word
Ctrl Right arrow moves one word to the right
Ctrl Up arrow moves up a section
Ctrl Down arrow moves down a section
Shift Tab key combination moves one cell to the left (in a table)
Tab moves one cell to the right (in a table)
Up arrow moves up one row
The down arrow moves one line down
End key moves to the end of the line
Home key moves to the beginning of the line
Alt Ctrl Page Up key combination moves to the top of the window
Alt Ctrl Page Down key combination moves to the end of the window
Page Up key moves up one screen (scrolling)
Page Down key moves down one screen (scrolling)
Ctrl Page Down key combination moves to the top of the next page
Ctrl Page Up key combination moves to the top of the previous page
Ctrl End key combination moves to the end of the document
Ctrl Home key combination moves to the beginning of the document
Shift F5 key combination moves to the previous revision
Shift F5 key combination moves to the insertion point when the document was last closed
Move in the table
Tab key to the next cell in the row
Shift Tab key combination to the previous cell in the row
Alt Home The first cell in a row of key combinations
Alt End The last cell in a row of key combinations
Alt Page Up The first cell in a column of key combinations Cell
Alt Page Down Key combination The last cell in a column
Up arrow one row up
Down arrow next row
In Insert paragraphs and tab characters into the table
Please press Insert in cell
Enter key to create a new paragraph
Ctrl Tab key combination tab character
Create, view and save documents
Ctrl N key combination creates a new document of the same type as the current or recently used document
Ctrl O key combination opens the document
p>Ctrl W key combination closes the document
Alt Ctrl S key combination splits the document window
Alt Shift C undoes the split document window
Ctrl S key combination to save the document
Find, replace and browse text
Please press to perform the operation
Ctrl F key combination to find text, formatting and special items
Alt Ctrl Y key combination repeats the search (after closing the "Find and Replace" window)
Ctrl H key combination replaces text, special formats, and special items
Ctrl G combination Keys to navigate to pages, bookmarks, footnotes, tables, comments, graphics or other locations
Alt Ctrl Z key combination returns to pages, bookmarks, footnotes, tables, comments, graphics or other locations
Alt Ctrl Home key combination to browse documents
Undo and restore operations
Esc key to cancel the operation
Ctrl Z key combination to undo the operation
Ctrl Y key combination to restore or repeat the operation
Switch to other views
Please press to perform the operation
Alt Ctrl P key combination to switch to page view
Alt Ctrl O key combination switches to outline view
Alt Ctrl N key combination switches to normal view
Ctrl \ key combination moves between the main document and subdocuments
Shortcut keys for reviewing documents
To maximize the Help window, press Alt Spacebar, and then press the X key. To restore the window to its previous size and position, press Alt-Spacebar, and then press the R key. To print this topic, press Ctrl P.
Alt Ctrl M key combination inserts comments
Ctrl Shift E key combination turns on or off the mark revision function
Home locates the start of the comment
Ene moves to the end of a comment
Ctrl Home key combination moves to the beginning of a group of comments
Ctrl End key combination moves to the end of a group of comments
Shortcut keys for working with citations, footnotes and endnotes
Alt Shift O key combination marks table of contents entries
Alt Shift I key combination marks citation table of contents entries
Alt Ctrl Key
Alt Shift D key combination Date field
Alt Ctrl L key combination Listnum field
Alt Shift P key combination Page field
Alt Shift T key combination Time field
Ctrl F9 key combination empty field
Ctrl Shift F7 key combination updates the link information in the Word source document
F9 key updates all Select a field
Ctrl Shift F9 unlinks a field
Shift F9 switches between the field code and its result
Alt F9 Switch between all field codes and their results
Alt Shift F9 runs Gotobutton or Macrobutton from the field showing field results
F11 navigates to the next field
Shift F11 key combination locates the previous field
Ctrl F11 key combination locks the field
Ctrl Shift F11 key combination unlocks the field