Trademark annotation
"FORNET" is a combination of two French words, among which "FOR (T)" means "powerful, very" and "NET" means "Clean, tidy", the two words combined mean "very clean".
The FORNET logo uses blue-green as the background, which is the color of the pure seawater around the Pacific islands. It is bright and bright in color, giving people a prominent visual effect and symbolizing the company's eternal service. Purpose - To be clean.
"FORNET" is the Chinese transliteration of "FORNET".
Trademark registration
China registration number:
“FORNET” French trademark
The registration number in the China National Trademark Office is 1145928
“FORNET” Chinese trademark
The registration number in the China National Trademark Office is 1247972
Foreign registration number:
“FORNET "French trademark"
The international registration number in Geneva, Switzerland is 684480
The registration number in Seoul, South Korea is 0097437
The registration number at the New Zealand National Trademark Office is 666528
The registration number in Bangkok, Thailand is SM19335
Trademark holder——
Owner of the registered trademarks "FORNET" and "FORNET" The person is: Beijing Fornet Laundry Service Co., Ltd.