1. Trademark registration is very important. The first step: query
Not all trademarks can be successfully registered, so you need to first check whether there are identical or similar trademarks. Trademark name query and analysis can improve the registration success rate (free query and analysis of Chinese trademarks, please click for consultation)
In addition to checking whether the same or similar trademark exists for the trademark name, you also need to confirm the trademark registration category (trademark Category inquiry)
2. Official process of trademark registration in China
Trademark registration time:
1. The Trademark Office takes about 2 months Issue an acceptance notice
2. The Trademark Office will complete the preliminary examination within 9 months from the date of receipt of the registration application
3. The preliminary examination announcement period is 3 months
4. It takes about 12 months to complete the entire trademark registration process
Trademark registration conditions:
1. The company's registered trademark needs to provide:
Search Names and graphics that can be registered
Designed trademarks and graphics
Company business license
Signed official trademark application documents (application form)
Sign the official power of attorney
2. Individual registered trademarks need to provide:
Search the name and graphics that can be registered
Designed trademarks and graphics
Self-employed business license
Sign the official trademark application document (application form)
Sign the official power of attorney