Current location - Trademark Inquiry Complete Network - Trademark registration - Xiaomi trademark agency telephone
Xiaomi trademark agency telephone
If the account of your trademark agency is frozen, it may be caused by some technical problems or irregularities. You can try to contact your trademark agency or our customer service center for help. You can contact us in the following ways:

-Trademark agency: If you are the representative of a trademark agency, you can contact your trademark agency and ask them why their account has been frozen. They may need to further verify your identity before they can reactivate your account.

-Customer Service Center: You can call our customer service center for help. Our customer service center staff will help you solve the problem of account freezing and provide relevant help and suggestions.

If you can't contact us or solve the problem through the above methods, I suggest you contact our customer service center staff in time so that we can solve your problem as soon as possible. At the same time, you can also try to use other electronic channels (such as online trademark application system) to submit trademark applications.