AliExpress leather bags and shoes are very popular.
Shoe data shows that from 2019 to 2021, footwear sales have been increasing year by year, and have maintained good growth in the past three years. .
In the past, the fortress categories of the shoe industry were women’s boots, men’s casual shoes, women’s slippers, and sandals; the opportunity categories were women’s slippers, women’s high heels, men’s and women’s vulcanized shoes, and women’s rain boots.
(1) In 2022, AliExpress will focus on cross-border high-quality supply and provide high-quality supply certification for cross-border preferred brands, cross-border factories, cross-border big sales, and cross-border independent station sellers. The resource package of "exclusive equity matching + traffic support + rapid growth path" helps brands grow more steadily.
AliExpress has also put forward requirements for the supply capacity of merchants in the shoe industry, requiring merchants to have an Internet access rate of ≥90% within 72 hours; merchants are encouraged to prepare hot and high-quality products in preferred warehouses and overseas warehouses as much as possible; it is recommended that merchants Carry out localized operations according to the needs of consumers in different countries and markets, improve the verticality of goods, and avoid selling one package of goods to the world.