Class 33 trademarks belong to the category of alcohol, wine, wine, rice wine, brandy, fruit wine, shochu, cooking wine, cider, rice wine, aperitifs, fruit-containing alcoholic beverages, alcoholic, liquid cocktails, Vodka, white wine, cherry wine, mint julep, barley wine, sparkling wine sake, whiskey, mead, etc. It’s hard to say how much a Class 33 trademark costs. Every trademark has a certain value, some are good or bad, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars!
The importance of Class 33 trademarks
1. Class 33 trademarks are the symbol of an enterprise and can also be said to be an expression of corporate culture. It represents the image of a company. Trademark protection can protect your corporate reputation and corporate image.
2. Your Class 33 trademark is also your exclusive right to use it. Protected by intellectual property laws. It costs a certain amount of money to register a Class 33 trademark and to purchase a Class 33 trademark. Protecting your trademark from being used by others actually protects your own property.
Wine trademark transfer, wine internal label trading, wine trademark, Bajie recommends the latest information on Class 33 trademark transfer for you. Trademark fees for 33 categories of trademarks