[Gao Fuwan: male] It is said that outside the south gate of the government, it costs 600,000 to persuade [agricultural] local cattle, □□□□□□□□□, transfer fourteen townships, and combine them with natives, plows, rituals, shrines and houses. This is a heavy work, and officials are very painful. I hope. Begging is not for county officials, column leaders or captains, but for recruiting small caves. The trial is like a scene [speech], divided and passed on to future generations. Check clearly what the craftsman did and give strict orders. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do. Will be twenty-four, Fujun teaches. Big hand Yin Cheng. In the second year of Yan Xi, on August 17th, Shen Jia began.
On August 19th, Wan Ming You Cheng told Cao Yu, a drum thief, to write down this move, and sent two five-drive tile houses to be repaired on the spot, and the columns were connected, which made the craftsmen work hard. Serve □ Say that, say it. The meeting will be held on the 25th. He is like a government that remembers laws and regulations.
Tell Yamen to tell Wan: A person, with his family's money, guards the tile house outside the south gate of Yamen, and saves taxes, without asking county officials, column heads, commanders or small mouths.