Update 1:
(c) Is it copyright TM is Trademark? What is (R)? ,? = Copyright
? = Registered trademark
TM = Trademark
The TM symbol represents a trademark, which indicates to the public that the brand or trademark is recognisable. A mark designed to identify products or services. This symbol can be used for both unregistered and registered trademarks. "?" represents a registered trademark. According to the current laws of Hong Kong, China, unregistered trademarks cannot use the "?" symbol
Copyright does not require registration, and there is no channel for registration.
Basically, you automatically own the copyright to a work (such as a book, music, movie, etc.) the moment it is published.
Can "R" indicating that a trademark has been registered or "TM" indicating use as a trademark be included in the trademark drawing to apply for registration?
The words, figures, symbols or their combinations on the trademark design should be particularly distinctive. In addition, after a trademark is registered, the owner of the trademark exclusive right enjoys the exclusive and exclusive right to use the design. "R" is a mark commonly sold in the market that usually indicates that the trademark has been registered, while "TM" means a mark used as a trademark. Any trademark owner or user can mark it on the registered trademark, so it does not have the special characteristics of a trademark. Due to its distinctiveness and specificity, it should not be applied for registration as part of the marked drawing.
The difference between the two is that the former is a statement that others may not use the trademark, while the latter is a statement that the user is not infringing on other people's trademarks when using the name, but only citing or expressing the intention.... .bbs.nsysu.edu/txtVersion/treasure/ipr/M.852216846.A
?Commonly used to indicate that a trademark is registered and protected by law.
The origins of trademarks can be traced back to ancient times, when craftsmen imprinted their signatures or "marks" on their works of art or utilitarian products. These marks evolved into today's trademark registration and protection system. This system helps consumers identify and purchase a product or service because the nature and quality of the product or service indicated by the trademark meet their needs.
.knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7006051402899 (by qql)
.knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7006032600139 (by tsangckl)
Trade Marks
Image reference: crossguard.info/images/spacer.
Protecting Your Identity
Protecting Your Identity - The Value of Logos
Protecting Product & Commercial Get-Up
Trade Mark & ??Marketing Clearance
Brands That Don't Travel (Language Pitfalls)
Trade Mark Registration - General
Trade Mark Classes
International Trade Mark Registration
Trade Mark Watching
Brand Extension < /p>
Copyright & Designs
Protecting Creative Work
Design Rights & Registration
Protecting Product & Commercial Get -Up
2006-12-26 13:43:13 Supplement:
If possible, trade mark protects a brand and copyright refers to a certain design,