We want to register a trademark. I want to know whether the color of the trademark affects the value of the trademark? This is a question that many people have. Let’s talk about it in detail.
If the trademark is a word trademark without a specific graphic, the color is black by default. You can change it at will. According to the regulations, "voluntarily changing a registered trademark" mainly refers to changing the constituent elements of a registered trademark, such as registered trademark words, letters, colors, structural combinations, etc.
For example, if you register a color trademark and specify the corresponding color, when you actually use the trademark, you must keep the color of the trademark consistent with the registration. If you apply for a red registered trademark, when using it The red logo must be used. Otherwise, you risk having your trademark revoked.
Since this is stipulated, does it mean that the trademark can only be black? In fact, this is not the case. Black and white trademarks do not have a specified color, so they are more flexible in use. When a trademark applicant uses the registered trademark, as long as the trademark does not constitute a similarity or violates the prohibition regulations of the Trademark Law, he can use any color to modify the trademark he holds. registered trademark in black and white.
Of course, color trademarks are not without merit. After a company registers a trademark, it has generally decided on the color. If you feel that the color of the trademark will not be changed in the future, feel free to submit it in color when submitting. There is no problem with the trademark either.
So compared to black and white trademarks, color trademarks will be more distinctive. Some colored signs have become distinctive after long-term use and have high visibility and influence among relevant consumer groups.
The above is an interpretation of whether the color of a trademark affects the value of the trademark. The value of a trademark is measured from many aspects.