After more than ten minutes, the peacock was chosen as the king. In the days to come, the animals found that there was a beautiful king. But the forest is still a mess. Later, the animals had another meeting. How to choose a king? Hou Yaozong thought of a way to say, "Ask the goat teacher to work out a few math problems, and whoever answers the fastest will be king.". After that, the small animals all agreed.
The second king contest began. Teacher Goat said, "Let's do a problem now. Please look at the title board. Xiao Ming walks 16 meters per minute and Xiao Liang walks 14 meters per minute. Now they are 9 meters away from each other. How many hours will they meet? " Solving the equation quickly, Mr. Lion was the first to raise his hand and said confidently, "First solution: let's set x hours before they meet."
A: They met three hours later.
After that, all the animals present cheered with joy. Teacher Goat went on to say, "A packing box should be labeled all around. Its length is 9 decimeters, its width is 5 mm, and its height is 3 dm. How much standard paper does it need for a * * *? Just after the speech, Mr. Lion immediately stood up and said, "(9× 3+5× 3 )× 2
= (27+15 )× 2
= 42× 2
= 84 (DM 2)
A: Trademark paper needs 84 square decimeters.
The animals present cheered. Teacher Goat said, "Our king is Mr. Lion!" From then on, the forest can be quiet, so I don't worry about anything here. What inspired me from this story is that no matter what you do, you should rely on your mind, not beauty.