Legal analysis: Yes, if the same or similar trademark is used on the same or similar goods without the permission of the trademark registrant, or the sale infringes the exclusive right of the registered trademark Products, as well as those who forge or manufacture other people’s registered trademarks without authorization or sell counterfeit or unauthorized registered trademarks can report trademark infringement.
Legal basis: "The People's Republic of China and the Civil Code"
Article 120: If civil rights and interests are infringed upon, the infringed party has the right to request the infringer to bear infringement liability. .
Article 183: If one is harmed due to protecting the civil rights and interests of others, the infringer shall bear civil liability, and the beneficiary may provide appropriate compensation. If there is no infringer, the infringer has escaped or is unable to bear civil liability, and the victim requests compensation, the beneficiary shall provide appropriate compensation.
Article 1,167 If an infringement endangers the personal or property safety of others, the infringed party has the right to request the infringer to bear tort liability such as ceasing the infringement, removing obstacles, and eliminating danger.
Article 1,168 If two or more persons jointly commit infringement and cause damage to others, they shall bear joint and several liability.