The 30th category of trademark registration is convenience food.
3002 - Tea, tea drinks
3003 - Sugar
3004 - Candy, sugar, sugar
3005 - Honey, royal jelly and other nutritious foods
3006 - Bread, pastries
3007 - Convenience foods
3008 - Rice, flour (including whole grains)
3009 - Noodles and rice flour products
3010 - Puffed cereal foods
3011 - Soy flour, edible prefabricated gluten
3012 - Edible starch and its products
3013 - Edible ice, ice products
3014 - Table salt
Trademarks are used to distinguish an operator’s brand or service from others Marking of the operator’s goods or services. my country's Trademark Law stipulates that for trademarks approved and registered by the Trademark Office, including commodity trademarks, service marks, collective trademarks, and certification marks, the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to trademark and is protected by law. If it is a well-known trademark, he will obtain a cross-category trademark. Legal protection of exclusive rights.